s [he] be [lie] ve [d]

You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt meYou just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me You just want to hurt me
You cant´t break me
i believed u once , stupid me . now your words don´t mean a thing


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